Tuesday, July 29, 2008

#20 You Tube & Teacher Tube

This is from YouTube. My kids love Halo videos, Halo glitches, & parody songs on YouTube. White & Nerdy from Al Yankovich is hilarious, yes, he is still alive & kicking. Will post my favorite from Teacher Tube when email glitch is resolved. It's called 1 Semester of Spanish - Spanish Love Song.

I almost forgot, I found this very valuable and "tagged" all of the Lee LeFever's educational tech videos for the technically challenged, which is why I like & understand them, on my del.icio.us bookmark so that I can share them with staff on my campus. I also loved the rapping math teachers......

1 comment:

Grendel said...

Great idea! I cannot believe you describe yourself as technochallenged!